Angkor Wat Tour 5 Days/4 Nights

D1 : Arrival Siem Reap (-/-/-)
Welcome to Siem Reap Cambodia. Upon arrival at Siem Reap International Airport our driver will transfer you to hotel for check in. Relax and enjoy your free and easy day.

D2 : Siem Reap (B/L/..)
After breakfast we will start our journey to explore the world largest religious building of Angkor Wat complex, by starting from the South Gate through the central of Angkor Thom including: Bayon Temple, Phimeanakas, Terrace of the Elephants and Terrace of Leper King. The 3km2 walled of Angkor Thom was the capital city of Jayavarman VII (1181-1218) after the last capital of the Angkorian empire. There are five entrances to the city, north, east, west, south and victory gate. South gate is often the starting point of the tour. Lunch will be at local restaurant. Afternoon, continue our journey at Ta Prohm Temple. It has been left in much the same condition in which it was found: the photogenic and atmospheric combination of trees growing out of the ruins and the jungle surroundings have made it one of Angkor's most popular temples with visitors. Then visit the famous of Angkor Temple. This temple was built for the king Suryavarman II in the early 12th century as his state temple and capital city. It is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre since its foundation. It has become a symbol of Cambodia appearing on the national flag. Today tour end by enjoying sunset view from Phnom Bakheng located opposite Angkor Wat Temple. Buffet dinner with traditional dance show at local restaurant.

D3 : Siem Reap (B/L/D)
Today we take a break from visiting temple to visit floating village of Tonle Sap Lake. It is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia. It is also an important commercial resource, which providing more than half of the fish consumed in Cambodia. Floating villages, towering stilted house, huge fish traps also occupied by residents on Tonle Sap Lake. Then head to Les Artisan D'Angkor, a professional training school, was founded to help young Cambodians rediscover traditional handicrafts. Now Les Artisan D'Angkor is public institution which was established in response to an urgent need to train disadvantaged young people with little formal education, living for the most part in rural areas, and offer them a job entry program. Lunch will be at local restaurant. After lunch visit Angkor Silk Farm to study the whole process how to feed the silk worm till how to get the silk from worm and process to waving. Then head to Old Market for shopping some souvenirs from Siem Reap. Last we will visit Wat Thmei which contains a unique glass-walled stupa of the victims' bones from the Khmer Rouge Regime.

D4 : Siem Reap (B/L/-)
Today we will spend one more day to explore more temple surrounding Angkor Wat area. Visit Pre Rup Temple: This temple name is comparatively modern one meaning "turn the body". It was built as the state temple of Khmer King Rajendravarman and dedicated in 961 or early 962. It is a temple mountain of combined brick, and sandstone construction. Then Head east to visit Banteay Srey Temple: It translates to "citadel of the women". Banteay Srey displays some of the finest of classical Khmer art. The walls are densely covered with some of the most beautiful, deep and intricate carvings of any Angkorian temple, which built largely of red sandstone. This morning tour will be finish by Thommanon Temple: is a very good condition attractive temple which built at the same time as Angkor Wat. Lunch will be at local restaurant. After lunch continue our journey to southeast of Siem Reap Town. Visit Rolous Group including Preah Ko, Bakong and Lolei temple. On the way to Rolous group we will stop by at Bakong Orphanage Center.

D5 : Siem Reap Departure (B/-/-)
Free and easy day until our staff picks you up to airport for departure flight. End of service.