Flores Komodo Tours
6 Days / 5 Nights

Upon arrival at Waioti Airport of Maumere meeting service, then transfer to Moni / Detusoko. During the day you will experience by the dramatic change in both nature and ethnicity. In the afternoon you will find yourself in the Lio ethnic environment. Pay a call to their village such as Lisedetu and try to comprehend the local's daily life or just having a closer in to their work architectures. Proceed to Ranggase or Koanara with traditional houses to comprehend the Lio's ethnic daily life and to understand their work of civilization. Such as the typical Lio House; some of them are decorated with breast figure as to symbolize the fertility and prosperity. The Lio people also well-known for the Ikat weaving - the tie-dyeing weaving technique. (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner)

It is worth to experience the sunrise at Kelimutu - the three colored crater lakes (start at about 4 o'clock). Once arrive in Kelimutu one will find something like nowhere, incomparable with known told stories - photo or even moving pictures have you been before. Drive down to Hotel for breakfast then continue the trip to Ende and will pass ravines and villages. There are chances for photo stops such as Ndua Ria daily fruits market. Lunch will be provided in Ende. Drive towards Nuabosi until reach the vantage point for the wide-angle view over the Ende town, which is beautifully located on the coastal area fortified by volcanoes. Proceed to Penggajawa - locally known as Blue Pebble Beach, where the people colleting blue tiny stones for export market. En route to Bajawa stop in Wogo one of the big traditional village in Ngada Ethnic (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner)

Bajawa is dominated by Ngada ethnic civilization which known for the megalithic cultures. There are traditional villages furnished with megalithic stones, ancestor worship and adat houses. The hamlet is beautifully settled in the firing mountainous area. The most beautiful one is Bena. Visit the village then drive directly to Ruteng for lunch with stop in Aimere - the home industry for Arak distillation. It is another beautiful driving day you will passing through the villages and rain forest. Take a short break to stretch your legs at Ranamese Lake and trace the trail around the lake with cloud forest. Proceed to Ruteng for dinner and overnight. (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner)

Ruteng is a small town in the backbone of Flores and neighbor to the Ruteng Nature Conservation Park where the home of Ngkiong - the endemic singing birds existed. It is worth to visit the Park early in the morning to attend the nature's concert of singing birds ( if no rain and strong winds ). There is a newly popped up volcano of Ranaka 2.300 m above sea level. Take your chance to have closer look. Return to Hotel for breakfast. Then drive down to Labuan Bajo with stop in Cara village in Cancar area to see unexposed world wonder The Lingko - the spider shaped rice fields. It is probably the only such a rice fields existed on earth (if the weather is permitted). Arrive in Labuan Bajo direct transfer to harbor and catch the motorized wooden boat cross Rinca Island. It takes 2.30 hours to reach Rinca - one of the two main islands in Komodo National Park. Lunch will be provided on board. Arrival at Rinca, anchor the boat then take a short walk to the ranger station where one have to report and pay Conservation Fee USD 15 / person. Ranger in charge will lead visitors through the suitable path to trace the Komodo Dragons and wilds. There are wild buffaloes, horses, deer, mega pod bird, Long tails macaque, various birds, and of course Komodo Dragons it self. It take 2 (two) hours trek. Return to boat then the captain and guide will decide whether anchor in Loh Buaya or sail directly to Kalong on Komodo island. Dinner and overnight on Board [Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner]

In the morning set the sail to Komodo passing through narrow straits with strong current. Arrive in Komodo follow the trail to reach Banunggulung - the former feeding place to see Komodo Dragons and other wild life. It is about 2 (two) km one way walking. Return to boat then sailing to Labuan Bajo with stop at Pantai Merah - Pink colored sand Beach. Enjoying the beautiful coral garden, swimming, snorkeling or just relax on the beach. Lunch served on board. Upon arrival in Labuan Bajo direct check in. Dinner and overnight at Hotel [Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner]

Morning free program until the time transfer to the airport, en route take a short sightseeing visit Batu Cermin - the cave with stalactites and stalagmites.

Min : 2 person

• Private Tour daily departure Possible : Start Maumere Airport / Ending point Labuan Bajo Airport

• Services Included :
o Airport transfer in Maumere and Labuan Bajo, Land Transport, Boat charter to Komodo National Park according to choice, English Speaking Guide and other Languages upon request. .

o Accommodations:
* 1st Nite in Moni / Detusoko : Flores Sare Hotel /Wisma St. Fransiskus
* 2nd Nite in Bajawa : Bintang Wisata or Similar
* 3rd Nite in Ruteng : Dahlia Hotel or similar
* 4th Nite in Rinca / Komodo : according to the choice
* 5th Nite in Labuan Bajo : according to choice
o Meals as per itinerary, Entrance fees as per itinerary, refreshment.
• Conservation Fee in Komodo National Park presently USD 15 / person, Flight Ticket, Local Airport Taxes, Beverages, Guide, Driver, Boat Crews gratuities.